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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant purports to make an application for bail pending appeal. I use the term purport on account of the procedural incongruity of seeking bail for someone who is not in custody. More

BHUNU J: The facts leading to this urgent chamber application are as follows: Certain property in question, cited as Inyanga Block (Folio No. 6151, Title No. 1813/61) at one time belonged to William Antony Igoe, who sold this property to the Government of Zimbabwe in 1986 resulting in the cancelling of the Deed in terms of the Rural Land Act Chapter 20:18. He however retained certain rights over the transferred land, which were specified in a written agreement that was to expire at the end of a period of 25 years after the transfer. These rights included among others, the... More

The appellant appeals against her conviction and sentence. She denied that she had stolen US$24 000, 00 from her employer but, after a trial, she was convicted and sentenced to 4years imprisonment of which 6 months were suspended for 5 years on condition of good behaviour and 36 months on condition she makes full restitution of the whole amount through the clerk of court on or before 30 April 2012. There is an order annexed to the sentence requiring “household property to be returned to accused.” More

On 1 July 2013 Respondent noted an appeal against the decision of the Applicant’s Appeals Officer in this Court. On 6 August 2013 notice of response was filed and served on the Respondent’s Legal Practitioners. One Sekai Magava of Gonese, Jessie Majome & Co Legal Practitioners confirmed receipt of the notice of response on the 6 August 2013 at 4.05. In terms of Rule 19 Respondent was supposed to file Heads of Argument within fourteen days of receiving the response. This requirement was not complied with. More

On 21 August 2013 and pursuant to the results of the harmonized elections held in the Republic of Zimbabwe the 2nd respondent sent a letter to all local authorities guiding them on the manner in which the Mayors and Chairpersons of local authorities were to be elected. Paragraph 4 of the letter which is relevant to the matter in casu which had particular reference to Harare and Bulawayo Metropolitan Provinces read as follows; More

The matter was placed before me as an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 21st December, 2010 which award confirmed the appellant’s dismissal from employment as being substantively fair. After listening to arguments by both parties and upon perusal of the record the court on 22 November 2013 handed down an order to the following effect; 1. The appeal be and is hereby dismissed with no order as to costs. 2. The arbitral award handed down on 21 October, 2010 be and is hereby confirmed. More

: The tragic state of affairs in this case is that the father (who later passed on) and son have been engaged in a seemingly unending and bruising legal battle for over a period of seventeen years. Even after the death of the father the swords are still drawn out and the battle far from over. This is more so when one considers that the application before me is simply for a rescission of a default judgment. More