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Court Judgements

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The Appellant in this matter was wrongly cited as J.C. Gumbi (instead of Memory Marimira.) J.C. Gumbi is a representative from the Zimbabwe Rural District Workers Union (the union). The facts are that when Memory Marimira the actual Appellant approached the Union J.C. Gumbi noted an appeal against Respondent in his personal capacity. When the Respondent’s representative realised this they challenged J.C. Gumbi’s locus standi. Instead in its heads of argument the then Appellant J.C. Gumbi sought to justify what he termed a mistake. On the date of hearing a different representative from the Union appeared before the Court. He... More

The applicant was convicted on her own plea of guilty to 8 counts of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The total amount of prejudice is US$19 000.00 of which nothing was recovered. She was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 6 months was suspended on condition of good behaviour. A further 18 months imprisonment was suspended on condition she makes restitution to the complainants leaving a total effective sentence of 2 years imprisonment. More

The applicant was convicted by a magistrate court sitting at Harare on a charge of contravening section 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9.23]. It was alleged that on the date unknown to the prosecutor but during the period extending from July 2012 to June 2013 and at LL Promotions, Harare, applicant unlawfully and with intend to defraud or realising that there was a real risk or possibility of defrauding, misrepresented to complainant Langton Chawota that he had a diplomatic bag in Benin, which contained USD 10 million which he wanted to be repatriated to Zimbabwe... More

The Respondent objected to the Appellant’s failure to file Heads of Argument on time and submitted that the Appellant is therefore barred automatically in terms of Labour Court Rules. In his counter argument, the Appellant submitted that the failure to file Heads of Argument on time was caused by the Respondent’s failure to file a Notice of Response in terms of the Rules. Respondent submitted that although the prescribed Notice of Response was not filed, there was a notice of opposition filed in an interim application by the Appellant and it was clear from the Notice of opposition that the... More

On 28 April 2009,the applicant filed this application seeking the following relief: More

The applicant is a 26 year old who is unemployed and hails from Chitungwiza where 3 cases of robbery occurred on 30 September 2013 and 1 October 2013. The last 2 were committed using a motor vehicle which had been stolen in the first count. More

This is an application for the upliftment of a bar which the respondent imposed against the applicant. More