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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the respondent’s decision to dismiss the appellant. The appellant was employed by the respondent as the credit control manager. On the 12th of April 2012 appellant was suspended for allegedly contravening the Zimpapers Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure. The formal charge served on the appellant read as follows;- “... In line with section 10.3 of the Zimpapers company Code of Conduct you are formally charged with the following:- C(XVII) which reads, ‘Negligent loss damage or misuse of group property as read with More

On the 25th of July 2013 I granted a chamber application made pursuant to Section 19 (a) of the Labour Court Rules. Counsel for the Respondent requested for the reasons for the granting of the application. These are the reasons. The Respondent being the Appellant in the main matter filed an appeal with this Court on the 23rd of August 2012. A Notice of Response was duly filed with the Registrar on the 5th of October 2012. On the 27th of February 2013 the Applicant filed this Chamber application for the dismissal of the appeal in terms of Rule 19... More

This is an application made in terms of Order 28 r191 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules,1971 for leave to administer interrogatories in a matter in which the plaintiff, a senior legal practitioner and a partner at the law firm of Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans in Harare, has sued the first defendant, a detective inspector in the Zimbabwe Republic Police(‘ZRP’) the second defendant, a detective chief inspector in the ZRP, the third defendant who is the Commissioner General of the ZRP, the fourth defendant, who is the Attorney General of this country and the Co - Ministers of Home... More

Seven days after the declaration on 3 August 2013 of the results of the Presidential election (hereinafter referred to as “the election”) held on 31 July 2013, showing Robert Gabriel Mugabe (hereinafter referred to as “the first respondent”) as the winner of the election, Morgan Tsvangirai (hereinafter referred to as “the petitioner”), who was one of the candidates contesting the election, lodged with the Constitutional Court (hereinafter referred to as “the Court”) a petition challenging the validity of the election under s 93(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Constitution”). More

On 2nd August 2012 the NEC for the Tobacco Industry made a determination. It ordered that Respondent pay Appellant an NEC Grade 8 wage. Appellant then appealed to this Court. Respondent opposed the appeal. The grounds of appeal are couched in clumsy terms. However it became clear in oral argument that Appellant’s case was that the increment he was awarded by NEC is less than what he is entitled to. More

Appellant was in Respondent’s employ as a Security Guard. The brief allegations that led to his dismissal were that on the 1st June 2011 he reported for night duty at CBZ Bank Arundel Branch (Respondent’s client) while in possession of a cellphone. Possession of a cellphone whilst on duty was strictly prohibited in terms of Respondent’s standing instructions. More

The plaintiff and the defendant were customarily married to each other in 1976. They on 5 February 1993, upgraded their marriage to a civil one in terms of the Marriage Act (Chapter 37), now Chapter 5.11. Their marriage was blessed with 6 children who have all attained the age of majority. The plaintiff left the matrimonial home on 11 January 2009 to go and live with a girlfriend in Masvingo. He later issued summons suing the defendant for a decree of divorce and ancillary orders. More