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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
: The applicant is a limited liability foreign company incorporated in terms of the laws of Hong Kong whose address of service is No. 7 Livingstone Avenue, Milton Park Harare. Sometime in January 2010 it allegedly concluded an Equipment Sales Contract coupled with a Short Term Loan/Financing scheme with the first respondent. More

The matter was set down in terms of rule 19(3)(a) of this court’s rules. At the time the appeal was filed Appellant was represented by Messrs Laita and Partners Legal Practitioners. Such Legal Practitioners were enjoined to file Appellant’s heads of argument upon receipt of a notice of response from the Respondent. They failed to do so. A notice of set down was sent to Appellant lawyers advising them of that day’s hearing. Appellant also confirmed that he informed his lawyers of record of the set down date. The lawyers informed Appellant that there would no longer be representing him... More

The appellants appeared before the magistrate at Bindura charged with unlawful possession of gold in contravention of the Gold Trade Act, [Cap 21:03]. Although they vehemently disputed the allegation, after a contested trial, their protestations did not win favour with the court. They were both found guilty and, on 18 February 2009, sentenced to the minimum mandatory five years imprisonment each. They still protest their innocence in the present appeal against both conviction and sentence. Having read the papers, we agreed with the concession by MrsFero, for the State, that the conviction is not supportable. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the first and the second defendants for the transfer of stand number 2974 Katanga Norton from the first defendant to himself. The first defendant was the late Joseph Nine Sithole’s wife. Joseph Nine Sithole was the original registered owner of the stand in dispute. The late Joseph Sithole died and the first defendant without advising her husband’s relatives transferred the stand from the late Joseph’s estate to herself. More

: On 11 July 2007 the applicant and the first respondent in his capacity as executor of estate late EmureSaini, entered into an agreement of sale whereby the first respondent sold to the applicant right, title and interest in stand number 1899 Ruwa Township (the property). The purchase price was in the sum of six hundred and eighty million dollars ($680 000 000.00) and has paid in full. In terms of the agreement, the applicant was entitled to occupy the property or signing of the agreement but he did not. More

On 24 July 2013, I granted the following interim relief in favour of the applicant: “That pending determination of the dispute between the applicant and the 1st respondent by the arbitrator, the applicant is granted the following relief: More

The applicant approached the court through the urgent chamber book on 6 August 2013. The matter was set down for 15 August 2013 on which day both applicant and respondent counsel addressed the court. More