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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a consolidated matter between Cut Rag Processors and its employees. Luckson Zvenyika, together with Nyangawo and 13 Others were employed in different capacities by Cut Rag Processors “Cut Rag”. It was alleged that the employees engaged in an unlawful work stoppage. Zvenyika was the Chairman of the Workers Committee he was charged and upon conviction a penalty of dismissal was meted out. Zvenyika noted an appeal to the Grievance and Disciplinary Committee whose decision was that Zvenyika be reinstated from the date of dismissal without loss of salary and benefits. The employer Cut Rag dissatisfied by the order... More

This is an urgent application for stay of execution submitted to meon 11 November 2013. I directed that the matter be set down for 13 November 2013 in my chambers. In that day the first respondent filed his response where inter alia hepointed out that the matter had already been decided by my brother the HONOURABLE MANGOTA J in case No.8602/13. I instructed the registrar to supply me with that file and it was brought to my chambers. Upon perusal of that file, I noticed that indeed the HONOURABLE MANGOTA J had dealt with the same application for stay of... More

Sometime in 2010 or thereabout applicant and first respondent entered into an oral lease agreement in terms of which first respondent leased a certain shop known as Bali Shoes No. 28, Angwa Street, Harare. Since then the applicant has been in undisturbed and peaceful possession, use and enjoyment of the said shop.The applicant avers that on Friday 22November 2013, and in violation of the provisions of s 24 of the Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations, 1983, the first respondent has unlawfully and wrongfully prevented the applicant from possessing, using or occupying the said shop. She claimed that first respondent’s conduct was... More

Applicant seeks the following order from this court; “(1) That first respondent shall approve the layout plan for applicant within ten (10) days of service of this order, failure of which the Sheriff for Zimbabwe shall sign the layout plan in approval for subdivision E of Arlington Estate, Harare (2) 1ST respondent shall pay the costs of this application if he opposes same. (3) 2nd respondent, the administrative authority for the municipal area of Harare, shall be bound by the provisions of this court order. More

This matter was instituted as an urgent chamber application for an interdict preventing the respondents from removing “any bags of maize from (the) applicant’s premises” pending determination of the matter. The final order sought is that the applicant be given leave to process the maize in its custody into mealie-meal. After hearing argument from the legal practitioners representing the applicant and the respondents I dismissed the application with costs and indicated that my reasons would follow. The applicant has asked for the written reasons. These are they. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s disciplinary committee to dismiss appellant from employment. The appellant was charged with: (i) Improper performance of duty and (ii) Dishonesty, including falsifying of documents. It was alleged that the appellant processed applications by two Americans i.e. S. Megman and A. Hugeon as shown by visa sticker numbers 061213 and 061216. The originals of those visa stickers were then found in the passports of two Indian nationals who are in Category C of the visa region. The visas also appeared to have been stuck into the passports using glue which is... More

This is an application for condonation for late filing of an application for review. More