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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Applicant has filed an Urgent Chamber Application for contempt of Court in terms of Rule 35 of the Labour Court Rules. This Honourable Court made a judgment under Case No. LC/H/484/12 and ordered Respondent to hear Appellant’s appeal. More

: The applicant approached this court, on a certificate of urgency seeking an order in the following terms. TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this HonourableCourt why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. That the Third respondent’s directive to first and second respondents barring them from selling and or registering the shares of Renaissance Securities (pvt) Limited (in liquidation) be and is hereby declared unlawful, void and of no force. 2. That the third respondent shall pay the costs of this application on the case of legal practitioner and... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Negotiating Committee Appeals board for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe (“N.E.C.”), where it confirmed the dismissal of the Appellant by the Respondent Company. Facts of the case are that, the Appellant who was in the Respondent’s employ at the time of the alleged misconduct was brought before the Designated Agent on allegations of having stolen some cellphone lines which were being used by the Respondent Company for promotional purposes. He is said to have admitted his infraction before the designated agent. As a result of that admission he was found guilty... More

The applicant has approached this court on a certificate of urgency seeking the following relief: “INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT 1. Pending the final determination of this matter first respondent be and is hereby barred from occupying and effecting any improvements and/or constructing any structures on a certain piece of land called stand number 1778 Chegutu township measuring 14 4481 hectares. More

This is an application for quantification of damages following this court’s ruling that ; “the Respondent be and is hereby ordered to reinstate the Appellant with no loss of salary and benefits with effect from date of dismissal Or In the event that reinstatement is no longer possible the Respondent be and is hereby ordered to pay the Appellant damages as agreed between the parties in lieu of reinstatement. Should parties fail to agree either party is free to approach the court for quantification “ More

On 31st October 2012 this Court made an order the relevant portion of which read, “1. The Respondent being barred in terms of Rule 19 for not filing Heads Of Argument, the appeal be and is hereby granted and arbitral award of the Respondent by H.R. Matsikidze dated 27 January 2012 is hereby set aside.” More

On 20th February 2012 the NEC for the Clothing Industry made a determination. In terms thereof it dismissed Appellant’s appeal against her dismissal from employment by Respondent. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the NEC’s determination. Appellant worked for Respondent as a Production Supervisor in Harare. In that capacity she had access to labels, trims and zips. Respondent makes clothing products forTruworths. The merchandise is identified by labels. The label is the brand or “signature” of Respondent. One hundred and nine (109) such labels were found at Appellant’s house. Investigations carried out showed that Appellant and a colleague took... More