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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The facts of this matter are that on 27th June 2012 the Appellant phoned the Acting Sergeant Major and advised that he was not feeling well. On 28th June 2010 he phoned again the same officer and said he had to travel to Bulawayo on an emergency as his uncle was unwell. Appellant advised his superior that he would be sending a letter. When the Acting Sergeant Major discussed with the superior Nyamwisa he confirmed that he too had received a similar phone call from the Appellant and that they were waiting for the letter he had said he would... More

On the 16th May 2013, the Arbitrator issued an award dismissing Appellant from Respondent’s employment. It is this dismissal penalty Appellant is taking issue with before this Court. More

At the hearing of this matter a preliminary issue was raised by the respondent’s legal practitioner. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a school teacher. He was dismissed from employment following disciplinary proceedings on charges of improper association with a 14 year old minor who was also one of his students. In order to protect the privacy of the minor, the minor will be referred to as ‘X’. More

This is an appeal against sentence. The appellant was convicted by a Harare court on a charge of fraud in contravention of section 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9.23. The allegations were that sometime in February 2011 the complainant told the appellant that he had just obtained a provisional driver’s licence and that he intended to obtain a driver’s licence. The appellant then told the complainant that he could process him a driver’s licence upon paying him $300.00 which was to be forwarded to a VID person. By June 2012 nothing had been processed. The... More

The Applicant (Respondent in main matter) submitted before mean application in terms of Rule 22(a) of the Labour Court rules, Statutory Instrument 59 of 2006. More

Following on the judgment of this Court handed down on 16 December, 2011 the operative part of which reads; “1. The points in limine are hereby dismissed. 2. The application for quantification of damages is properly before the Labour Court. More