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Court Judgements

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The applicant was convicted of contravening s 6(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act [Cap 13:11]. The trial magistrate found no special circumstances and sentenced the applicant to 6 months imprisonment. In addition the applicant was prohibited from driving all vehicles falling in the class of commuter omnibuses for life. More

When this matter came up for hearing, a point in liminewas raised on behalf of the employee who is the appellant in these proceedings. More

Appellant’s grounds of appeal were that:- - the Arbitrator deviated from the terms of reference - the Arbitrator awarded arbitration costs were supposed to have been determined by the conciliation body - the award is biased towards the employee - points of law were being violated therefore award was misdirected More

: The parties were married in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11] on 30 May 1998. The marriage was blessed with four minor children Melanie MunasheTangirai (born 18 February 1999), MalvinTinasheTangirai (born 24 January 2003), Cerise VongaisheTangirai (born 20 March 2004) and Denise Tangirai (born 2 March 2007). Following certain unhappy differences the parties separated in 2008. They have not lived together as husband and wife since that date. Upon separation the plaintiff remained with the custody of the three eldest children whilst defendant retained custody of the youngest child. On 4 January 2011 the plaintiff issued summons out... More

The applicant is in custody on charges of rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap. 9:23] and extortion as defined in s 134 (1) (a) of the Act. The allegations against him are that on 27 August 2013 he accosted and confronted the complaint and her boyfriend as they werewalking home around 1930 hours.Impersonating the police the accused arrested them on trumped up charges of loitering in a public place for purposes of prostitution. He then relieved the complainants of theircell phones a NokiaAsha 201and Samsung J700. More

The Appellant lodged his appeal against the determination by the Negotiating Committee of the Commercial Sector handed down on 13 June, 2011, reversing an earlier decision by the Mashonaland Local Committee and upholding the employer’s decision to dismiss him from employment. More

GUVAVA J: This matter was placed before me on a certificate of urgency on 7 March 2013 in terms of R244 of the High Court Rules, 1972. On 11 March 2013 I endorsed on the record that the matter was not urgent having formed this opinion after reading the application before me. By letter dated 14 March 2013 the applicant’s legal practitioners requested to appear before me and make representations with regards to the issue of urgency. I then requested the Registrar to set the matter down on 18 March 2013 so that I could hear counsel. More