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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the ruling by the Appeals Committee dismissing Appelklant from employment. The appeal was devoid of merit and I dismissed the Appeal on the day of hearing indicating reasons would follow. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in favour of Respondent. Appellant filed Heads of Argument out of time and Respondent made submissions on this point. Respondent further stated that Appellant was barred in terms of the Rules unless an application for upliftment of the bar was made and granted by the Court. Appellant applied for the upliftment of the bar which was not opposed by Respondent. More

The matter was placed before me as an application for an order. The application was filed on the basis of Section 89(1)(a) and Section 93(7)(b)(ii) of the Labour Act. The application was opposed. More

At the conclusion of the trial in this matter, the parties requested to file written submissions. I directed that the plaintiff’s closing submissions be filed by 7 March 2013 while those of the defendant should be filed after that. I have only had sight of the defendant’s closing submissions but those of the plaintiff have not been brought to my attention. More

The matter comes before this Court for quantification of damages in pursuit of this Court’s order. The Applicant’s claim is for payment of an equivalent of seventy months’ salary totalling USD36 470.00. This amount is broken down as follows:- 1. Premature termination (36 months x $521.00) $18 756.00 2. Punitive damages (12 months x $521.00) 6 252.00 3. Gratuity (22 months x $521.00) 11 462.00 More

This is an application for stay of execution of a default judgment. The facts are briefly asfollows. Applicant borrowed some money from respondent which money applicant failed to repay in full resulting in respondent issuing summons claiming payment of the sum of $520 000-00. Applicant had signed an acknowledgement of debt wherein he acknowledged owing respondent that amount. Upon receipt of the summons, applicant entered appearance to defend within the diesinduciae. Somehow a default judgment was granted after a request had been made. The applicant applied for rescission of that default judgment. He has also applied for an order staying... More

The appellant was arraigned before the Magistrates Court at Harare on a charge of one count of rape as defined in s. 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23.] He pleaded not guilty but was convicted after a protracted trial. Upon conviction he was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment of which 5 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition of future good conduct. More