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Court Judgements

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On 12th February 2013 this Court’s Registrar issued a notification to the parties to attend today’s hearing. The notification was issued in terms of Rule 19 (3) (a) of the Labour Court Rules S.I. 59/06 (hereafter called the Rules). At the hearing Applicant was represented by a unionist. Respondent was represented by an attorney. The attorney raised a point inlimine. This was to the effectthat Applicant was barred for failure to file Heads of Argumenttimeously Applicant’s representative stated that he had problems communicating with Applicant. As a result he failed to filed Heads timeously. He did however manage to file... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award where the arbitrator ruled that, the Appellants were casual workers and ordered that they be paid the amounts that they were short-charged on their casual work basis. More

The Appellant called at his supervisor’s house Mr Tinarwo on Saturday 26th June, 2004 and told him that he wanted to travel to Hwedza to do a spot check of some deliveries. The supervisor authorised him to take a Mazda B 1800 PWD 59 SC but said he should be accompanied by a driver. The Appellant suggested that he be accompanied by another officer, Mr Muchadakuenda, since drivers were not available. More

This is an appeal against an arbitration award made in favour of the respondent. The appellant was employed by the respondent company stationed at Beitbridge border post. It was alleged that during the course of his duties respondent cleared on behalf of the respondent certain motor vehicles without payment of the requisite fees to the Respondent contrary to laid down procedures. He was charged and appeared before a disciplinary committee, which found him liable and subsequently dismissed. By letter dated June 13 2011 Appellant was advised of the outcome of the disciplinary hearing. In the same letter he was advised... More

This is an application stay of execution of a decision to transfer applicant from Nyamakate Primary School to Godzi Primary, following applicant’s conviction on the following charges; 1) Defying the Acting Head, Mr Bodzo’s instruction of 16 January 2012 directing applicant to attend to his class. Instead applicant attended a parents Annual General Meeting. 2) Defying the Acting Head, Mr Bodzo’s instruction to leave the Annual General Meeting, which meeting the Applicant disrupted by interjecting resulting in parents walking out of the meeting. 3) Undermining the school administration by trying to influence prisoners on community service to make false allegations... More

On 3RD September 2010 this Court ordered Respondent to reinstate Applicant or pay him damages in lieu of reinstatement. Respondent chose to pay damages. The parties were unable to agree on quantum of the damages. Applicant then filed this application for assessment of the damages. Respondent filed opposing papers. The attorneys agreed that the matter be determined on the basis of the documents filed of record. More

This matter was brought before me on a certificate of urgency on 25 June 2013. After considering the papers I declined to hear the matter on urgent basis on 26 June 2013. In so declining I remarked as follows: More