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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against an arbitral quantification award. Respondent was dismissed by Appellant from the post of Permanent Lecturer in November 2009 following disciplinary hearings. An arbitral award thereafter ordered his reinstatement on the 26th August 2011. Damages in lieu of reinstatement was the alternative order. More

This is an application for interim relief in terms of Section 92 E of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. Applicant is the former employerof the First to Ninth respondents. Arbitrator F Mugabe handed down an award in favour of the respondents on the 5 November 2013 wherein he ordered their reinstatement without loss of salary and benefits with effect from 3 June 2013 or damages in lieu of reinstatement. The order included reinstatement of each respondent’s accrued leave days as at 3 June 2013. More

This is an appeal by the Appellant (the employer) against an arbitral award. The background to this matter is that the Respondent stopped coming to work in October 2008. He alleges that he was ill. He only recovered in February 2009 and that is when he reported for duty. More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal. More

On the 24th June, 2014 Applicant applied to the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare for the issuance of a Show Cause Order seeking that pending the issuance of a disposal order, the threatened collective job action be terminated. The parties appeared before a Labour Officer who after hearing submissions recommended to the Minister that he issues a Show Cause Order. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s Disciplinary Committee, which found the appellant guilty of misconduct and imposed a penalty of dismissal. More

This matter was set down as an application in terms of section 93 (7) (ii) Labour Act [Cap 28:01] where the applicant was seeking an order to compel the respondent employer to pay him certain money which he believed was due to him following a settlement of a labour dispute between him and the respondent employer. More