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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the judgment of the NEC for the Banking Appeals Board undertaking handed down on 8 June 2012 in terms of which the Appeals Board confirmed an earlier decision by the Respondent Hearing Officer to dismiss Appellant from employment with effect from 24 October 2011. More

This is a Chamber Application for condonation of late noting of an appeal. The Applicant was dismissed from the Respondent’s employ with effect from the 21st of April 2011. The Applicant noted an appeal with the Works Council in October 2013. The Works Council dismissed the appeal on the basis that it was out of time. In terms of Statutory Instrument 322 of 1996 (Collective Bargaining Agreement: Tobacco Industry Code of Conduct) Part VII section 23 (2) an appeal should be noted within five working days of the letter of dismissal. The Applicant then appealed to the National Employment Council... More

This is an appeal against a determination of the National Employment Council for Welfare and Educational Institutions Appeals Committee (the Appeals Committee). The determination upheld the earlier decisions by the Disciplinary Committee and the Chief Executive Officer to dismiss Appellant. More

This judgment is about a matter where a rule nisi was granted on 18 February 2014 in applicant’s favour and made returnable on 26 February 2014. On the 26 February 2014 the respondent was supposed to come and show cause why the rule nisi of 18 February 2014 should not be confirmed. More

At the onset of this appeal the respondent took the point that the prayer by applicant was improperly worded to the extent that it rendered the appeal a nullity. It is only this point which is addressed by this judgment. More

At the commencement of the proceedings a Mr Chavarika from the National Prosecuting Authority informed the Court that he was representing Respondent’s Counsel who has requested him to make an application for postponement of the matter. The reason for the application was that Respondent’s Counsel had believed the matter was going to be held in Harare instead of Mutare. The Court dismissed the application on the basis that Respondent was served with the notice on 31st July 2014 clearly which showed that the hearing would be held in Mutare. This marked a lack of diligence on the part of Respondent’s... More

This is an application for quantification of damages consequent upon a remittal by the Supreme Court in its judgment No. SC 21/14 pitting the same parties. More