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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The Appellant is appealing against the decision of the Appeals Committee. The grounds of appeal are as follows:- “The Respondent erred by failing to produce minutes of the Appeals Committee. The ‘purported’ minutes ‘even’ determination are mischievous and calculated to cause miscarriage of justice. The ‘purported’ admissions in the ‘so called minutes’ are all a product of malicious falsehoods contradictory to the Appellant’s grounds of appeal before the Appeals Committee and a biased and futile effort to uphold traverse justice. The recordby the Respondent is misleading and not reflective of the proceedings. More

This matter was set down as a rescission of judgment application. This followed a judgment made in favour of the respondent in a case where the applicant had failed to comply with the rules that is where he had failed to file his heads of argument upon receipt of the respondent’s response. More

This is an appeal against a determination by an arbitrator sitting at Harare. The facts of the matter appear to be common cause. The respondent was an employee of the appellant. He was dismissed from employment without due process being followed by the employer. He was therefore unlawfully and wrongfully dismissed. These are factual findings made by the Learned Arbitrator. The Arbitrator ordered the appellant to pay the respondent all that was due to him. This order aggrieved the appellant leading to the present. More

On 23 May 2012 Applicant filed a chamber application for review of disciplinary hearing proceedings in terms of Rule 16 (1) of this Court’s rules SI 59/2006, as read with Section 97 (1) (d) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. The main complaint was that on 25/4/12 Applicant had appealed against the decision of the disciplinary committee but the appeal was not heard or determined. Applicant is seeking an order setting aside the disciplinary proceedings, restoration of the status quo and immediate payment of salaries and other benefits. Applicant also prayed for costs of suit. On 18 May 2012 Applicant... More

This is an appeal against the determination of the Respondent’s General Manager. The General Manager upheld the Respondent’s decision that the Appellant was guilty of misconduct in terms of the Transport Industry Code of Conduct. The General Manager then imposed a penalty of dismissal. More

On 11 December 2013 this application for review was filed. More

This is an application for late noting of review of the alleged dismissal from employment by the respondent. It is alleged that they were dismissed from employment in January 2011. There is no decision by the Tribunal to be reviewed. There was no hearing that was conducted at the work place. They were just informed by the headmaster that their services were no longer required by the school. There is no decision to be reviewed in this case. Parties should follow other channels, to redress their grievance. More