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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Before me is an application for review of the decision of the Negotiating Committee of the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors. More

Appellant was in Respondent’s employment as from the 2nd February, 2002 to the 29th October, 2012 when he tendered his resignation. This is common cause. More

“In so far as Applicant is concerned there were two matters in dispute which required evidence to be led. The first is whether or not Applicant was properly before the Arbitration, Tribunal, Applicant contended that he was unaware of the dispute until he was summoned to appear before the arbitrator and that he had not received any invitation to attend any conciliation exercise before either the Ministry of Labour or the Industrial Council. The second issue is whether or not he was an “employer”as defined in the (sic) Labour Relations Act. It is Appellant’s position that no evidence at all... More

appeal. At the commencement of the proceedings, respondent raised a point in limine. It was submitted that Marange Resources Security Employees (hereinafter MRSE) was not a party to the proceedings. It was further argued that there was no nexus between Marange Resources Security Employees and the employees before the Court. It was further stated that an entity without legal status cannot institute legal proceedings. Respondent further submitted that Marange Resources Security Employees was incapable of instituting labour proceedings. More

In this appeal the appellant was dismissed from the respondent’s employ following disciplinary proceedings. He was aggrieved by the dismissal. He appeals to this court on the ground that: “The Board misdirected itself in holding that the appellant was responsible for the acts stated in the charge sheet.” The charge sheet referred in the ground of appeal does not form part of the record of proceedings. The respondent’s legal practitioner was not able to supply the charge sheet in question. However, paragraph 2.0 of minutes of the hearing held on 26 and 29 October details the charges which the appellant... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court, against the decision of this Court, where it allowed the appeal by the employee in a matter where the N.E.C. had confirmed his dismissal by the Respondent/employer. More

This is an appeal against the decision of respondent’s Appeals Committee which found appellant guilty of gross negligence in the performance of his duties and dismissed him from employment. Appellant was employed by the respondent as a revenue officer and was stationed at Nyamapanda Border Post.On 16 December 2012 the appellant was assigned duties in the motor traffic section at the search bay. He was working with three other officers and his duties included receiving duly processed export documents from the Commercial Office and the carrying out searches/physical examinations of consignments being exported and the vehicles exporting the consignment. More