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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for condonation of late noting of appeal. More

This is a consolidated appeal of LC/H/293/2012 and LC/H/296/2012 against the decisions of the respondent works council appeal body which confirmed the appellants’ dismissal in cases where the appellants allegedly stole eleven layer boards in contravention of the respondent Code of Conduct. Facts of the case are that the appellants who were in the respondent’s employ as loader and truck assistant respectively were on 4 December 2011 charged with the responsibility of loading a beverage truck destined for Nyameni. When the truck which they had loaded was intercepted by the respondent’s other employees it was discovered that eleven extra boards... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. More

The brief history of this matter is that – On the 10th of September 2004 Honourable arbitrator H. Muchinako made an arbitral award which was in the favour of the Respondent. He ordered that the Respondent should be reinstated with back pay from 2002 to the date of reinstatement without loss of salary and benefits. On the 30th of January 2005 the appellant reinstated the Respondent to his job but he did not pay him part of his salary arrears. The Respondent then applied for quantification in 2013. Meanwhile in 2010 the undertaking registered a Collective Bargaining Agreement More

Facts of the case are that the appellant who was in the employment of the civil service as a teacher based at Chinyika Secondary School allegedly asked a pupil one Natasha to have a love relationship with him and also commented that her breasts were sexy. These events took place from beginning of first term 2012 to 3rd term of that same year. He was also said to have patted Natasha inappropriately on the cheeks, exchanged vulgar words with her on one occasion and also caused her to pick up papers in the school yard during lesson time. He was... More

Appellant was in the employ of Respondent. Appellant was dismissed for allegedly participating in an unlawful job action after a hearing. The matter was referred to arbitration and the Arbitrator upheld the decision to dismiss the Appellant. Appellant is dissatisfied and has appealed to this Court. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent Company’s Appeals Committee which confirmed the Appellant’s dismissal following allegations of breaching the Respondent’s Code of Conduct. More