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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for the nullification of the disciplinary proceedings held by Respondent on the 26th February, 2014. In summary the undisputed background of this matter is that, on the 20th February, 2014 Applicant duly represented by his Legal Practitioner, attended a disciplinary hearing where he was being charged for an act of misconduct. More

Applicant’s sole ground for review is worded as follows, “The NEC Appeals Board misdirected itself in failing to deal with the two appeals separately, as directed by the order of the Labour Court dated 20 October 2011. By lumping the two appeals the NEC Appeals Board acted unprocedurally and in defiance of the order of the Labour Court.” More

At the conclusion of the hearing I dismissed the appeal and stated that the reasons would follow. More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment granted by this Court on 2 July 2012. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which was made in favour of the respondent (“employees”) against the appellant (“employer”). Facts of the case are that the respondents who are in the respondent’s employ approached the arbitrator arguing that the appellant had committed an unfair labour practice by paying them salaries lower than their colleagues who are employed by the appellant. The claim before the arbitrator was also to determine whether the respondents were Council employees or Civil Servants whose salaries had to be paid as per Public Service scales. At arbitration it was ruled that the respondents were... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award that set aside Appellant’s Disciplinary Committee’s decision which found Respondent guilty of misconduct and imposed a penalty of demotion. More

The appeal was noted as against the arbitral award handed down on 19th January 2012. More