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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a matter that was referred to this court by a magistrate in terms of s 24(2) of the former Constitution of Zimbabwe, (“the former Constitution”). The applicant was arraigned before a magistrate at Harare on a charge of assaulting or resisting a peace officer as defined in s 176 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. The allegation was that on 14 December 2006, at Makomva Shopping Centre, Glen View 2, Harare, the applicant assaulted one Everisto Maponga, a Police Officer, who was performing his duty, by pushing him away with both hands. More

Appellant’s grounds of appeal read as follows; “The Respondent was wrong in erring that I was sitting on a final warning before the alleged offence was committed. I was never brought to a hearing where the Disciplinary Committee came up with a final warning. It is disputed. The Respondent in terminating my services never got lenient given that I had served the company for nearly 20 years without any problem. I feel it was really constructive dismissal as I was not reprimanded. If Respondent considered my service I would have either given a final warning or demotion either to general... More

This is an application for the rescission of a judgment issued in default of Applicant’s appearance on 24 January 2012. The application was filed on 1 August 2012. More

This is an appeal against the Appeals Board’s decision that upheld the Grievance and Disciplinary Committee’s decision upholding Appellant’s dismissal from Respondent’s employment. More

This mater was set down as an appeal by the appellant employee against the respondent employer following disciplinary proceedings whose outcome was unfavourable to the appellant. On the set down date and in the papers filed of record the respondent raised two points at the outset. It is these two points which are the subject matter of this judgment. The respondent took the first point that the notice of appeal was defective of an account of the fact that it was silent on the prayer sought by the appellant. It also took issue with the fact that the appeal grounds... More

This is an application for the stay of an arbitral award which was made in the respondent employees favour following a complaint of unfair labour practice by the applicant company on the respondent employees. More

The Appellant in this case was employed by the Respondent as a Buying Assistant. More