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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an Urgent Chamber Application for Stay of Execution of an arbitral award granted by Honourable P. Chawira on 12th February 2014. In terms of the award, the Applicant was ordered to pay an amount of US$3 500.00 as terminal benefits to the Respondent. The Respondent proceeded to have the arbitral award registered with the Magistrates Court under case No. 3338/14, for purposes of enforcement. In pursuance of such enforcement, a Notice of Attachment in Execution was issued on 4th July 2014, in terms whereof various goods belonging to the Applicant were placed under judicial attachment, pending removal on... More

This is an application for quantification of damages following disagreement on the quantum of damages between the parties. The respondent was ordered by this Court to reinstate the applicant into her position as a shift supervisor, without loss of salary and benefits. In the event that reinstatement was no longer tenable, applicant was to be paid damages in lieu of reinstatement and for the premature loss of employment. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued by Honourable K Segula on 1 August 2013. The arbitral award upheld the decision of the respondent’s Disciplinary Committee which found the appellant guilty of misconduct and imposed a penalty of dismissal. More

The relevant facts which are common cause are that the Respondent was offered the job post of Sales Manager on the 15th of March 2012. This was after he had been interviewed on the 2nd of March 2012. The (contract) letter indicated that if he had any queries regarding any of the conditions laid down in the letter of appointment the Appellant should not hesitate to contact the Directors who would clarify the issues. The letter also invited the Respondent to sign in acceptance if he was satisfied with the terms and conditions therein. All communication pertaining to the negotiations... More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which declared the dismissal of respondent unfair and set it aside whilst ordering reinstatement or alternatively damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

The appeal was noted against an arbitral award handed down on the 9th of November, 2011. The Respondent also noted a cross-appeal against part of the award. For the purpose of this judgment the Appellant is the employee and the Respondent the employer. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award that was handed down by Honourable P. Mutsinze on 11th September 2012. In terms of the award the Respondent’s suspension from employment was ruled to be unlawful, Appellant was ordered to reinstate the Respondent and institute fresh disciplinary proceedings. More