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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. This court dismissed an appeal by the applicant against dismissal on the basis that it had been done in terms of section 63 (e) of the Public Service Regulations, 2000, as amended. Applicant had failed to resume duty after the expiry of his suspension on 29 June 2011 and was absent from duty for a continuous period in excess of thirty days. More

This is an appeal against the dismissal of the appellant in terms of section 63 (e) of the Public Services Regulations, 2000, as amended. The appellant failed to resume duty after the expiry of his suspension on 29 June 2011 and was absent from duty for a continuous period in excess of thirty days. Section 63 (e) of the Public Service Regulations, 2000, allows the Commission or head of Ministry to discharge from the Public Service any member who: “has been absent from duty for a continuous period in excess of thirty days without having been granted leave of absence.” More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which was made against the Appellant (employee) in favour of the Respondent (employer). More

This is an appeal against the Works Council’s decision confirming Appellant’s dismissal from Respondent’s employ. Appellant’s grounds of appeal as per the notice of appeal are not clear. More

This is an application for condonation of the late noting of an appeal by the Applicant against an arbitral award which was made in favour of the Respondent employer on 26th April 2013. More

Respondent is employed by appellant. He approached a Labour Officer alleging that he was unlawfully demoted, was being victimized and that he was owed money in unpaid allowances. The matter was not settled on conciliation and was referred to arbitration. On 30 May 2014 the arbitrator made an award in default of the now appellant’s submissions. On 23 June 2014 appellant noted this appeal. It is not clear from the record if respondent filed a response. Both parties filed heads of argument. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in favour of Respondent. Respondent was employed by the Appellant as a Class 4 Moulder as from 4 September 2006. Respondent alleges that in January 2009 a supervisor advised employees to stop reporting for duty. He further alleged that towards the Easter Holiday in 2009 the General Manager, Mr. N. Nyemba informed him to report for work. When he approached the Appellant he was advised that the situation had not changed. Again around early June 2009 Respondent alleges he was advised to report to work. On arrival he was advised that the... More