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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for review. The 1st to 17th respondents are former employees of the applicant company who were employed as fishermen on a full time basis. The 18th respondent is cited in his capacity as arbitrator in the matter under review. More

This is an application for quantification of damages following an order of this Court dated 15 May 2013. This Court ordered the reinstatement of applicant without loss of salary and benefits. In the event that reinstatement was no longer possible, respondent was to pay damages in lieu of reinstatement. The parties failed to agree on the quantum of damages. More

Applicant was employed by the Respondent as a driver. He is alleged to have driven his truck without an escort contrary to standing instructions. It was stated that copper consignments were to be escorted up to Chirundu Border Post from Zambia. Applicant was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which was deadlocked on the matter and the matter was referred to the Managing Director in terms of the Code. The Managing Director issued a Final Written Warning as the penalty on the Applicant. Applicant alleges that this was incompetent and has approached this Court. More

The facts of this matter are not really in dispute. They are that the appellant was accused of stealing certain items at the work place by a colleague. More

At the hearing of this matter Respondent raised two points in lime which are the subject of this judgment. The first is that Applicant is barred for non-compliance with Rule 19 (1) of this Court’s Rules SI 59/2006, having failed to file and serve heads of argument within the stipulated time. The second is that Applicant did not follow the prescribed format of an application set out in the said rules as Form LC1 was not completed. More

The facts of this case are lengthy and fairly complex, but have been fairly summarised by GOWORA J in judgment no. SC 43/14. There is no point in regurgitating them. However, I will restate some of the facts for the purpose of providing a context to this judgment. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Registrar of Labour where she declined the registration of the Appellant Union. More