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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondents in this case were employer by the appellant on fixed term contracts. When the fixed term contracts expired, the respondents came back to work. The employer gave them forms to sign as it was the intention of both parties to continue with the arrangement between themselves though the employer indicated that the period of the fixed term contract would just be one month. More

On 23 August 2011 the appellant was injured whilst on duty when a furnace erupted. He suffered severe burns. The appellant sought to be compensated in terms of the contract between the parties which the appellant has submitted carried an added security of compensation for disability or death which was over and above the compensation offered by National Social Security Authority (NSSA). More

The appellant was employed by the respondent. In 2011, the appellant was part of seven employees who suffered burns at respondent’s plant in Kadoma. Following that accident, a dispute arose between the parties which was later referred for arbitration. The dispute evolved around the issue of what it was that was payable to the appellant as compensation. The appellant alleged that the respondent was withholding his compensation from the insurers. It was further alleged that the respondents were reneging on an agreement which had been reached during conciliation. More

On 26 September 2012 the Honourable R.E. Nhiwatiwa made an arbitration award at Harare. In terms of thereof he dismissed appellant’s claim of unfair dismissal by respondent. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

On 7th March 2013 the Honourable M. Dangarembizi made an arbitration award. In terms thereof he ordered Appellant to pay 2nd Respondent an amount of $14,706.04 in respect of union dues collected from 1st Respondent. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. More

This is an application for leave to appeal this court’s Judgment to the Supreme Court. More

This is an appeal against the decision of NEC Disciplinary Committee Motor Industry which was issued on the 27 June 2012. The NEC Disciplinary Committee ordered the appellant to reinstate the respondent without loss of salary and benefits. The respondent had been charged with wilful disobedience to a lawful order by the employer. It was alleged that on the 23 July 2008 whilst the respondent was on duty he refused to carry out a lawful order that was give to him by the General Manager Operations Mr M Ralphs. It is alleged that in the hearing he admitted that he... More