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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant in this matter (Case No. SC 402/13) filed an application to adduce further evidence on appeal in the main matter (Case No. SC 88/12). Both matters were set down to be heard together on 19 March 2015. After hearing counsel, the application to adduce further evidence was dismissed with costs. Thereafter, counsel for the applicant sought a postponement of the main matter in order to consider the applicant’s constitutional rights, in particular, the right to a fair hearing, in relation to the dismissal of the application. More

On 3 February 2014 under Case No HB 158/13, the High Court sitting at Bulawayo convicted the applicant of murder with actual intent to kill. After finding that there were no extenuating circumstances surrounding the commission of the offence, the court passed a sentence of death. More

On 23 July, 2015, the applicants filed a notice of appeal to the Constitutional Court against a judgment of the Supreme Court dismissing their appeal. This is an application for the appeal to be set down for hearing on an urgent basis. More

This is an appeal against the decision of an arbitrator. The grounds of appeal are that the arbitrator erred in that contrary to his finding; More

After hearing counsel in this matter, we handed down the following order: “It is ordered that: 1. The application be and is hereby dismissed with costs on a legal practitioner and client scale in favour of both amici curiae. 2. It is apparent from the record of these proceedings that orders were issued by the High Court in Case No. HC 10203/12 and by the Supreme Court in Judgment No. SC1/14 which was confirmed by this Court in Case Number CCZ 8/ 14. 3. It is also apparent that the applicant has disobeyed those orders in clear contravention of s... More

The appeal was noted against the decision of the National Employment Council Appeals Committee for the Chemicals and Fertilisers Manufactory Industry dated 10th June, 2014. More

This is an appeal against the decision of an Arbitrator who found that the Respondents were dismissed in a manner which contravened the provisions of Section 12(B)(3) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01]. More