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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The background to the matter is that the respondent issuedsummons in the court a quo against the appellant for eviction and arrear rentals. The basis for the claim was that the respondent entered into an agreement with the applicant whereby the respondent would sublet to the applicant some shop space, which he rented from Sinoa holdings (Pvt) Ltd. It was a material term that the applicant would pay $860-00 per month as rentals. It was the respondent’s claim that the applicant breached the terms of the agreement by failing to pay rent resulting in arrears in the sum of $2... More

The applicant, Tour Operators Business Association of Zimbabwe (TOBAZ), is an association of registered tour operators. Among other things, it buys and arranges insurance services for foreign tourists, including motor vehicle insurance for foreign vehicles entering Zimbabwe. More

This is an appeal against a decision of the Labour Court judgment number LC/H/122/2012 dated 17 August 2012. After hearing arguments from both counsel the appeal was dismissed with costs. It was indicated that the reasons for this decision would follow in due course. More

This is an Appeal against the decision of the NEC Appeals Board dated 4th October 2013. The Board in brief made the following decision; “Having said this, the NEC Chairman noted that though Respondent was wrong in giving short notice of eight (8) days for the Appellant to leave, there was no material prejudice that the Appellant had suffered and ultimately it was the bank’s prerogative to transfer employees -----. The decision is that the Appellant’s grievances is dismissed.” More