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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was employed by the respondent as a supervisor. The parties mutually terminated the employment contract on 4 November 2014. The agreement was reduced into writing and appellant was paid his terminal benefits in terms of the deed of settlement. In August 2015 the appellant referred a complaint to a labour officer against respondent for non-payment of overtime. When conciliation efforts failed the matter was referred to an arbitrator. The arbitrator dismissed the claim predominantly on the basis that appellant failed to prove his claim. More

This is an appeal against the decision on an arbitrator. The respondents are section managers at one of the appellant’s branches, the Kariba Branch. During the course of their employment the appellants raised complaints which were not resolved to their satisfaction by the appellant. The grievances were referred to a labour officer when conciliation failed the matter was subsequently referred to arbitration. More

At the hearing of this matter, counsel for respondent made an oral application for condonation of late filing of the notice of response and late service of the notice of response on the appellant. I dismissed the application and gave the following reasons; 1. Respondent was a self actor at the inception of this matter. He got legal representation in January 2016. 2. The notice of response was filed out of time. Counsel for respondent indicated that on realising that the notice of response had not been served on the appellant, they caused it to be served on 21 January... More

On 19 June 2015 at Harare, Arbitrator M Dangarembizi made an arbitration award. He dismissed appellants’ claims of underpayment by their employer, the respondent. Appellants then appealed to this court against the award. More

On 8 July 2016 this Court through an ex tempore judgment filed of recordgranted the ruling and order made by the applicant in a case pitting Joseph Chatara and King Fisher Auto Motors t/a Grand Auto Body Shop. More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling and order made in terms of section 93 (5a) and (b) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01], as amended. More

This is an appeal against the respondent’s decision to dismiss appellant from its employ on allegations that appellant committed acts which are inconsistent with the express or implied conditions of his contract of employment. More