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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against an arbitral award made in the following terms: “1. The applicant (appellant herein) was not constructively dismissed as he voluntarily resigned. 2. The applicant’s claim is therefore dismissed for lack of merit.” The issue raised by the appellant that should be determined by this court is whether there was constructive dismissal in this case. According to the appellant the respondent bank made continued employment intolerable. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The facts are that the respondent was employed by appellant and is alleged to have resigned. Respondent alleged that he was owed arrear salaries and took his matter up with the Ministry of Labour. Conciliation failed and the matter was referred to arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of respondent. Appellant has appealed to this Court being dissatisfied with the decision of the arbitrator. More

The respondent in this case was employed as a human resources manager by the appellant. He was charged with the offence of falsifying employment records of one Robert Mallet by drawing up an employment contract for the said Robert Mallet without using his actual name but using an alias, Robert Matenda. The employer argued that the respondent’s intention was to conceal the identity of the employee in question who was the then Chief Executive Officer’s son. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for leave to appeal. More

This is an interpleader application wherein the claimant, Cash and Carry Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd) lays claim to three motor vehicles, namely JMC Truck Registration No. ACJ7897, Toyota Estima Registration No. ADM6190 and Toyota Fielder Registration No. ADM6819 which were attached to satisfy a debt owed by the judgment debtor, Compty Electronix Ribbon World (Pvt) Ltd, to the judgment creditor, Dunmore Nenhowe. More

The Sheriff, in execution of a writ, in HC 814/15, attached property at Number 7 Case Road Bluffhill, Harare. The claimant made a claim in respect of the property attached by the Sherriff. The Sheriff thein instituted the present interpleader proceedings. After the Interpleader notice was served, the pleadings were filed in the following sequence. - Judgment Creditors notice of opposition - 5 June 2015 - Claimant’s notice of opposition - 11 June 2015 - Judgment Creditors Heads of Argument - 24 June 2015 - Claimant’s Answering Affidavit to the Judgment Creditors Notice of Opposition - 8 July 2015 -... More

Accused 2, Richard Makuchete [“the accused], aged 25 years at the time, was one of three brothers arrested for the murder of their cousin, Zvinowanda Zvinowanda [“Deceased”]. The murder happened in rural Masvingo under Chief Chikwanda. By the time of trial only the accused was available. More