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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of this court that was handed down on 15 May 2015. This court in its judgment ordered as follows: “1. The arbitral award issued by Honourable G Nashobe and is hereby set aside and in its place the following order is made: (i) The claim for the payment of 5% outstanding salary allowances be and is hereby dismissed. (ii) The claim for the payment of the engineer’s allowance to other managers in D3 and D4 be and is hereby dismissed. (iii) The appellant be and... More

This was an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court delivered on 13 May 2015. After perusing the record and hearing the submissions of the parties, this Court allowed the appeal and indicated that the reasons would be availed in due course. More

At the hearing of this matter it emerged that the registrar had ordered a splitting of two matters into two separate files. More

On 13th November 2013 Arbitrator N.A. Mutongoreri made an arbitration award. Therein he dismissed Appellant’s complaints about Respondent’s job evaluation exercise. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

After hearing counsel in this appeal we allowed the appeal and issued an order in the following terms: “1) The appeal be and is hereby allowed with costs. 2) The decision of the Labour Court is set aside and is substituted with the following: “The appeal is dismissed with costs.” 3) Full reasons for the order will follow in due course.” More

This is an application in terms of section 92 C of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. It is an application to have the judgment of the court corrected as it is alleged that there is an error in the final order of the court. Mr Ndudzo for the applicant submitted that whilst the order of the court may be sound it is the implication in the interpretation of paragraph (c) thereof that is problematic. Mr Ndudzo further stated that a reading of the order would entitle respondents to benefits which were not extant at the time of their appointments. It... More

The appeal was noted against an arbitral award handed down by the Hon. G. Kwaramba dated 28th October 2014. The Respondent was employed by the appellant as a Consultant effective 1st March 2009. The consultancy agreement terminated on the 24th of July 2013. The respondent thereafter lodged a claim for unlawful dismissal and non-payment of terminal benefits and salaries. The matter was referred to arbitration in terms of Section 98(6) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01]. The terms of reference before the Arbitrator were as follows; 1. To determine whether or not there was unlawful dismissal and non-payment of terminal... More