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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against a quantification award granted on 4 December 2014, in terms of which the respondent was awarded an amount of US$39 200,00 as damages in lieu of reinstatement. The quantification emanates from an earlier award granted on 4 December 2013. The record shows that an appeal against that award was dismissed by this court on 6 June 2014. This paved the way to the quantification proceedings which resulted in the award in contention. More

The brief background of this matter is that the dispute that was brought before the arbitrator is non-remittance of respondent’s dues by the appellant as required by the Labour Act. The issues that were brought before the Arbitrator are as follows: (i) Whether or not appellant should be ordered to pay $58 377,32 to respondent being union dues and 15% interest. (ii) Whether/not appellant should be ordered to pay union dues on or before the 5th day of the ensuing month. (iii) The Arbitrator to determine the most appropriate remedy. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent. He alleged that he had been unfairly dismissed from the respondent’s employ. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Chief Executive Officer of the respondent to confirm the decision of the disciplinary hearing committee. Appellant was working as an international truck driver. He was driving a tanker truck ferrying fuel from Mozambique and/or South Africa to Zambia and/or the Democratic Republic of Kongo. On 3 occasions appellant delivered product that was less than what was loaded. Appellant was charged with gross negligence; loss of product. More

This matter came as an appeal against the decision by the respondent to terminate the appellant’s contract of employment More

This is an appeal against the determination of the Negotiating Committee for the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors (Negotiating Committee), which upheld the dismissal of the appellant from the respondent’s employment. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court at the instance of the applicant employer in a matter where its application for condonation of late noting of an appeal to the Labour Court was struck off the roll on account of the dirty hands principle. The principle had been raised by the respondent employee as a point in limine after realising that the applicant had not complied with the arbitral award or at least sought stay pending appeal. The background to the matter is that the respondent employee got an arbitral award in his favour where... More