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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent is employed by the appellant as a general worker. Respondent raised grievances that she should have been promoted to a public convenience cleaner, that she had not been paid acting allowances when she acted as a public convenience cleaner and that she was entitled to a noxious substance allowance. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which reversed a decision of the disciplinary committee which had found the respondent guilty of misconduct and dismissed him from employment. The respondent was employed by the appellant as a charge hand. In October 2006 he was appointed to be acting superintendent. In 2008 he then performed the duties of assistant workshop manager in an acting capacity. More

This is an application for upliftment of the automatic bar operating against the applicant after failing to file heads of argument timeously. It is opposed. It was also noted that the applicant’s legal practitioners did not file an assumption agency. They should have done so as required by the rules. The rules are clear on this and it is a mandatory requirement. Rule 18 of the Rules of this court, Statutory Instrument 59 of 2006 provides that: ‘’ (1) If a party is represented by a legal practitioner, the legal practitioner shall file a written notice of assumption of agency... More

The brief history of the matter is that respondents are employed by applicantas petrol men (Grade 11) and stationed at various sections. The respondents raised a grievance of unfair grading in terms of the grievance handling procedure to the immediate supervisor. The supervisor ruled in favour of the applicants. The respondents then took up the matter to the Public Safety Director who also found in favour of the applicant. The matter was then referred to the Employment Council for Harare Municipal Undertaking for conciliation. A certificate of no settlement was signed at conciliation. The applicant also ruled that respondents were... More

This is an appeal against the decision of an arbitrator. The facts in this matter are largely common cause. Respondent was employed by appellant in the Highways and Works Department. Following his absence from duty, respondent was charged with absenteeism from work. He was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which convicted him and recommended his dismissal. The matter ended up in arbitration and the arbitrator found in favour of the respondent. Appellant has appealed to this court. More

CHIDZIVA, J: This is an application for stay of execution of the arbitral award pending appeal. The arbitrator ruled in respondent’s favour and held that respondent was unlawfully dismissed and ordered the reinstatement of respondent. The brief background of this matter is that respondent was charged with theft of six (6) fuel coupons. He was found guilty and dismissed from employment. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in terms of which the appellant was ordered to reinstate the respondent without loss of salary and benefits. More