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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was a supervisor based at Holiday Inn Hotel (the hotel) until 26 February 2015 when he was dismissed following disciplinary proceedings. Following alleged acts of misconduct the appellant was charged in terms of category 5 offence 2 of the respondent’s Code of Conduct. The charge being any conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his/her employment. The basis of the charge were three conducts. According to respondent following a tip off that fraudulent activities were taking place at the hotel through connivance of supervisors, cashiers and waiters specifically by way of... More

The plaintiff company is the owner of a building in Bulawayo, simply described as Rhodian House. On 1 October 2012, the plaintiff (as the landlord) entered into a lease agreement with the first defendant (as the tenant) wherein the plaintiff leased Shop 2 Rodian House, 95-97 Jason Moyo Street, Bulawayo to the first defendant. On 4 October 2012, the second and third defendants bound themselves in writing as a Surety and Co-Principal Debtors for the performance by the first defendant of its obligations in terms of the lease agreement. More

On 6 November 2015 arbitrator J Chihlaba issued on arbitration award at Harare. He ordered appellant to pay respondents their notice pay which the former had withheld. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. More

The applicant made a ruling in terms of section 93 5 ( c) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] in the following terms: “1. The claim by the claimant for payment of service pay is hereby upheld in terms of section 12 c (2) of the Labour Act. 2. The respondent should therefore pay a total of $1 574-16 to the claimant. 3. The order should be complied with within thirty days from the date of receiving it.” Pursuant to section 93 5 (a) and (b) of the Act the applicant has approached this court for confirmation of the said... More

This is an application for rescission of the judgment that was entered in default by this court on 28 October 2015. In this judgment the court dismissed the application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. More

The appellant is employed by the respondent as a primary school senior teacher. She was charged for admitting two grade two pupils into her grade one class without the authority of the school head. This was a violation of paragraph 3 and 24 of the First schedule of S.I. 1/2000 as amended “Paragraph 3 of the First Schedule (Section 2) of Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000 (S.1. 1/2000) provides: 3. “Failure to perform any work or duty properly assigned, or failure to obey lawful instructions including circulars, instructions or orders issued by the Commission, the Treasury or the Accounting Officer... More

This is an appeal against a decision by an arbitrator. More