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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against a decision by an arbitrator. The grounds of appeal are that: 1) The Learned Arbitrator erred at law at in failing to find that the respondent was guilty of wilful obedience to a lawful order. 2) The Learned Arbitrator erred in failing to find that there were no mitigatorycircumstances and that dismissal was the appropriate penalty. The respondent was employed by the appellant as a security guard. He was performing his duties at Delta, Mvurwi which is one of the appellant’s clients. During the performance of his duties he caused the arrest and subsequent dismissal... More

The respondents were employed by the appellant as security guards. Following the respondents’ visit to the appellant’s offices in Harare to claim arrear salaries, the respondents were charged with absenteeism and were dismissed. The matter ended up in arbitration and the arbitrator found in favour of the respondents. The appellant is dissatisfied with the award and has appealed to this court. More

This matter was set down as an appeal against the arbitrator’s decision where he refused to hear the appellant employer’s rescission of judgment application on account of the fact that it had instituted multiple proceedings and such was contrary to the spirit of the law. More

It was Appellant’s submission that the notice of appeal was filed and served on the Respondent on the 15th October, 2015. Respondent was required, in terms of the Rules to file his response within 14 days to wit by the 4th November, 2015. Respondent filed his response on the 6th November, 2015 i.e. 2 days out of time. Respondent did not apply for condonation of late filing of the response neither did he give an explanation for the late filing. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 30 October 2014, in terms of which it was ruled that the respondent’s (then claimant) representative had no locus standito represent the respondent before the arbitrator. More

This appeal raiseS one issue for consideration, the interpretation of fees as used in section 8.3 of Statutory Instrument 60 of 2013 the Collective Bargaining Agreement: Welfare and Educational Institutions, “the agreement”. The respondents are employed by the appellant in different capacities. In terms of theapplicable Collective Bargaining Agreement the appellant was supposed to contribute 75% of fees for respondents as a benefit. A dispute ensued where it was alleged that appellant failed to comply with the provision of the agreement. The matter was referred to an arbitrator to determine whether the term fees used in the agreement included tuition... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent’s disciplinary authority which dismissed appellant from employment following allegations of dishonesty including falsifying any document with fraudulent intent in contravention of the Public Services Regulations SI 1 of 2000 as amended. More