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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for Stay of Execution of the decision by Honourable Arbitrator S Nehohwa that was handed done on 29 September 2015. More

This is an application in terms of section 89 (2) (c) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. The application prays for the variation of an award by an arbitrator. The facts of the matter are that the respondent was employed by the applicant as a Human Resources and Administration Officer on 6 July 2015. The contract of employment provided for a probationary period of 3 months. On 16 July 2015, during the first month of the probation, the applicant was given 24 hours notice of intention to terminate the contract of employment with effect from 17 July 2015. More

The facts of this matter are not in dispute, the appellant is employed by the respondent. He was employed as a book-keeper. Initially, the respondent had an acting accountant and the appellant reported to him. The accountant’s contract of employment was terminated and the appellant alleges that he had to take over some of the accounting duties. A new acting accountant was engaged and he reverted to his original book-keeper duties. But whenever an acting accountant left his employment, the appellant would assume the duties of an accountant. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an appeal against an arbitral award. Applicant’s manager states in the founding affidavit that the award was handed down on 9 November 2015 but was not received by the applicant until 6 May 2016. He further states that an accountant had misplaced the award and only confessed at the beginning of May 2016. Applicant’s manager avers that there are good prospects of success and that the delay that will be occasioned by this application is minimal but necessary regard being had to the importance of the case. More

The appellant is a teacher who at the time of dispute was based at Diggleford Primary School. Following allegations of misconduct that he solicited for a bribe and conducted extra lessons he was charged for misconduct. He was found liable on the second charge that he conducted extra lessons and not liable on the first charge. A penalty of $200, a transfer to Mudzi District and a reprimand was imposed. The appellant appealed against the penalty. According to the appellant the penalty was excessive considering the gravity of the offence and the circumstance it was committed. More

This court granted an application for late noting of appeal in favour of the respondent. The applicant is dissatisfied with the decision of the court in this respect. The applicant intends to approach the Supreme Court for relief. This is therefore an application in terms of section 92 F (I) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. More

This is an appeal against a decision by the respondent’s Appeals Committee wherein it confirmed the appellant’s dismissal from respondent’s employment. The appellant was a revenue specialist. Her duties included ensuring that long distance trucks passing through the Nyamapanda Border Post are proved to have left the country with their goods and are proceeding to a destination outside Zimbabwe. This meant that once the trucks had passed through the Border Post she would advise the Beitbridge Border Post to that effect. The Beitbridge Border Post acted solely on the basis of that communication. The reason is that for the period... More