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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The facts in this matter are common cause and can be summarised in the following manner. More

This is an appeal at the instance of the appellant employer against a decision of the arbitrator who set aside the respondent employer’s dismissal penalty in a case where the respondent had been found guilty of conduct inconsistent with the fulfilment of his contract, theft or fraud and wilful disobedience to a lawful order in contravention of the Model Code. More

On 8th March 2016 at Harare, Arbitrator V Mateko issued an arbitration award. She ordered the appellant to pay the respondent an amount of $500-00 as outstanding salary. The appellant then appealed to this court against the award. The respondent opposed the appeal. The grounds of appeal were rather prolix as the appellant acted pro se. However the first four grounds of appeal basically cover the appellant’s case. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. It follows a judgment in which this court had to determine whether the applicant had been properly found guilty of fraud and the propriety of a dismissal penalty imposed on her following disciplinary proceedings. More

Respondent was in the employ of the appellant as chemicals handler. It is alleged that he took some chemical with the intention of taking out of the company premises. When he discovered that he could not possibly succeed in this endeavour, it is alleged that he spilt the chemical into a hedge close by and approached the security check-point with the empty container which he alleged he wanted to use to collect some water. The respondent was brought before a disciplinary committee which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal. The respondent took his matter to the Labour Officer and... More


This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Committee issued on 20 April 2015. Appellant was employed by respondent as a messenger based at Bindura. He was suspended from duty following allegations of converting or attempting to convert respondent’s monies to his own use. He was arraigned before a Disciplinary Committee and was convicted. After conviction a dismissal penalty was imposed. Appellant was aggrieved and lodged an internal appeal which was not successful More