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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appeal was noted as against an arbitral award dated 27 January, 2015 the operative part of which reads as follows; “AWARD” “Wherefore after carefully analysing the facts and law, I make the following award That the claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal is hereby rejected.” More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award in respect to one Sikirwai Gandi and Milestone Academy (MA). The arbitrator’s terms of reference were to determine whether or not the termination of the respondent’s contract of employment was lawful, the amount of salary arrears and the appropriate remedy. The arbitrator found that the termination was unlawful and that Milestone Academy owed the respondent arrear salaries in the amount of $6 976-40. He ordered that the respondent be reinstated or alternatively that he be paid damages in lieu of reinstatement. Before this court, a party known as Keith Robin Mungoshi filed... More

On 15th June 2015 Arbitrator N A Mutongoreni issued an arbitration award. He found that the respondent committed an unfair labour practice by failure to pay appellants’ wages amounting to US$97 383-68. However he ordered that the amount be paid over a period of twenty months. The appellants then appealed to this Court. The respondent opposed the appeal. More

In this case, the applicants are seeking condonation and extension of time within which to note an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against a decision of the Labour Court. The Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (the act) requires a litigant who wishes to appeal to the Supreme Court against a judgment of the Labour Court to file an application for leave to appeal. Section 92F (2) provides that; “Any party wishing to appeal from any decision of the Labour Court on a question of law in terms of subsection (1) shall seek from the President who made... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors Appeals Body (NECCS). It confirmed the Local Joint Committee (LJC) decision where it upheld the guilty verdict for appellant and confirmed his dismissal penalty. Background to the matter is that appellant who was in the respondent’s employ had occasion in November 2014 to be suspended from employment without pay and benefits following allegations of abusing his staff account to purchase goods using the same and taking the cash equivalent which the customers would have paid. He was also said to have increased his credit... More

On record is a letter by 1st respondent’s Secretary (Minister) in terms of which she approved applicant’s (employee) retrenchment by 2nd respondent (employer) subject to certain terms and conditions. This was after the employer and employee deadlocked during their negotiations over the retrenchment package. Amongst the terms and conditions set by the Minister was that the employer would pay the employee service pay at the rate of 1 ½ months pay per each year of service. The employee was aggrieved by that condition. Accordingly she filed the present application for review of the Minister’s determination. More

Appellant was charged with misconduct in terms of section 44(2)(a) as read with paragraphs 8, 9 and 24 of the first schedule of the Public Service Regulations 2000 Statutory Instrument 1/2000. More