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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The facts in this matter are largely common cause. Respondent was employed by the appellant as Principal of its school. Appellant proceeded to unilaterally reduce respondent’s salary by about 50%. Respondent took this matter up with appellant and stated in a letter addressed to appellant that if the matter was not amicably resolved as proposed in the letter she would proceed to resign from employment. The matter remained unresolved and respondent left appellant’s employment and took the matter up for conciliation. The matter was referred to arbitration and the arbitrator... More

This is an application for what the applicants describe, in their Notice of Application, as: “5. QUANTIFICATION OF APPLICANTS’ CLAIM 5.1 Payments of Terminal Benefits due and allowances and benefits to which they are duly entitled. 5.2 Payment of a termination settlement equating to thirty-six months’ salary as compensation for loss of future earnings. 5.3 Payment of punitive damages for emotional and psychological trauma and hardship suffered. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued on 19 November 2010, in terms of which the retrenchment of the appellants was held to have been lawfully done. More

The facts of this matter are not in dispute. They are that the appellant was in the employ of the respondent as a back-splitter at its Masvingo abattoir with effect from May 2009. He worked without incident until 17 February 2014 when he was suspended from duty for taking liquid soap to clean his work clothes that is his work helmet, gumboots and apron, at the employer’s premises. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down by the Honorable D Mudzengi on the 29th April, 2013 More

This is an application for confirmation of a ruling made by the applicant in a matter between the respondent and its former employee, one Tendai Fortune Chiremba (hereinafter referred to as the claimant.) More

This matter was set down as an application for condonation of late filing of heads of argument and upliftment of bar. It is a case which makes very sad listening.In its pre-hearing discussion with the parties, the court explained to the lawyers then present that, the manner in which the employer had prosecuted its case all through left a lot to be desired especially when it came to the observance of time lines as set down by the rules of court. The court therefore did not mince its words and told counsel for the applicant that the approach to the... More