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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The background of this matter is that on 1 September 2010 the Appellant signed a contract of employment with the respondent. He was employed as the Resident director. He was to direct and supervise company policy on a day to day basis. The respondent’s contract was of unlimited. duration. The respondent was entitled to various benefits some of which were not availed to him until he left service in July 2012. Respondent claims that appellant owed him $277 000,00 being outstanding arrears and benefits. The respondent then referred the labour dispute for conciliation. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgment of this court that was granted by this court under case number LC/H/12/16. This court dismissed the appeal against the award by Honourable Arbitrator Shawatu that was handed down on 13 June 2015. More

This matter makes very sad listening as it has dragged to and from unnecessarily with at one point in time the court being invited to preside over an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. It is a matter where the court will refer to the parties as employee and employer for ease of reference and to avoid confusing the record since either party has at one time or other held inter chargeable applicant/appellant/respondent positions: More

The two applicants are young women aged 19 and 18 years respectively. They have approached this Court in terms of s 85(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) 2013 (“the Constitution”) which came into force on 22 May 2013. They complain about the infringement of the fundamental rights of girl children subjected to early marriages and seek a declaratory order in the terms that: “1. The effect of s 78(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) 2013 is to set 18 years as the minimum age of marriage in Zimbabwe.... More

On 7 May 2013 the Supreme Court gave the following order in a matter between the parties; “1. The appeal is allowed with costs. 2. The judgment of the Labour Court is hereby set aside and substituted as follows- i) The appeal is dismissed with costs. ii) The appellant shall reinstate the respondent to his former position without loss of salary and benefits or pay damages to the respondent in lieu of reinstatement. 3. The reasons for this order will follow in due course.” After the Supreme Court order, appellant reported for duty but was advised that he was not... More

This matter commenced as a court application and ended up as a trial having been converted to a trial by order of the court which directed that the founding affidavit notice of opposition and replying affidavit stand as pleadings. No further pleadings were ordered be filed. At the pre-trial conference a joint pre-trial conference minute on the basis of which the matter was referred to trial captured the issues for trial as follows: (1) Whether both the late Margret Munetsi and the first defendant purchased Stand No. 18215 Measuring 1855 square meters from the third defendant. (2) Whether or not... More

The plaintiff issued summons in terms of which he is claiming against the defendant payment of a sum of US$23 925-00 together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate, and costs of suit. More