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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the Negotiating Committee. The brief facts of the matter show that the appellant was employed as a Parking Marshall by the respondent. Following allegations of misconduct, appellant was suspended pending the convening of a disciplinary hearing. Appellant was however reinstated after a period of time. After reinstatement, appellant was informed that the misconduct charges were to be resuscitated. He was duly informed of the hearing date. On the hearing date, a letter was written by the Harare Municipal Workers’ Union seeking a postponement of cases scheduled to be heard on that date.... More

The three appellants were employed by the respondent in various capacities until 13 November 2014 when they were dismissed following a disciplinary hearing. More

The appellant is a former employee of the respondent. She was employed in 2011 as a claims manager. She resigned on 31 July 2014 giving the requisite 3 months notice on 7 August 2014 the respondent wrote back “accepting” the resignation and tendering cash in lieu of the 3 months notice. All benefits were then withdrawn. More

The appellant is a non-profit, non governmental organisation which provides humanitarian relief and it also implements fixed duration rural development projects. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued on 10 November 2014, which dismissed the appellants’ claim that their employment was unlawfully terminated. The appellants were employed by the respondent in various capacities. After the annual shutdown of December 2013/January 2014, the appellants were advised not to report for duty until work was available. The respondent was facing viability problems, mainly caused by the demolition of houses taking place in Chitungwiza. This adversely affected its construction business. More

The appellant in this matter has filed an appeal against the award that was delivered by Honourable Arbitrator J Zhakata. In addition the respondent has filed a cross appeal against part of the Arbitration award. More

This is an application for review of the disciplinary proceedings against applicant. Applicant was employed as a line worker. He was charged with an act of misconduct for taking and converting or attempting to take and convert to his own private use property that belonged to the company. Applicant was accused of taking a prepayment meter from the Senior Customer Services Officer’s Office without his knowledge and installing it at stand 1021, 3rd Avenue, Park Town, Harare. Applicant appeared before a disciplinary committee was found guilty and was dismissed from employment. More