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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for leave to appeal made in terms of section 92 F (1) and (2) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (“the Act”). More

The appellant was employed by the second respondent. Following allegations of misconduct, the appellant was brought before a disciplinary committee held by the first respondent. She was found guilty and her dismissal was recommended. An appeal to the second respondent did not yield the desired results and the appellant has appealed to this court. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 15 July 2012, in terms of which the appellant’s dismissal for various acts of misconduct was upheld. The factual background to the matter can be summarised as follows. The appellant was employed by the respondent as Operations Manager. In the papers on record, his position is variously described as General Manager, General Manager of Operations and Operations Manager. Whatever the precise designation is, the record shows that he was head of the respondent’s operations in Zimbabwe. The respondent is headquartered in South Africa, and also carries on business in... More

A brief background of the matter which has brought about this appeal, is that Respondent was Appellant’s employee as an Accounting Assistant Projects as from October, 2009. Prior to that he had been moved from Appellant’s employ to Zinwa and back after having joined Appellant in 1996. On the 26th February, 2010 Respondent appeared before a Disciplinary Committee to answer nine charges of acts of misconduct. The Disciplinary Committee found him guilty of the said charges and he was dismissed from Appellant’s employ. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for leave to appeal against a decision of this court as well as an application for extension of time within which to file the application for leave to appeal. More

Most of the fact in this case appear common cause. They are as follows. The appellant was employed as a clerk by the respondent council. She was responsible for receipting and banking funds on behalf of the respondent. In March 2000 a home seeker paid twenty thousand dollars towards the purchase of a house from council. The appellant received the money but she did not issue out a receipt. She did not bank the money but kept it in a council safe. The buyer one Charumbira, continuously asked for a receipt but she did not get one. However she was... More

After about 35 years of marriage the plaintiff issued summons for divorce and ancillary issues in July 2014. The parties contracted a civil marriage on 28 August 1979. The defendant entered appearance to defend and subsequent pleadings thereto More