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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the award that was handed down by honourable arbitrator R E Nhiwatiwa on 6 September 2015. The arbitrator ordered the respondent Mazurura Store to pay Sumali Dinners a total sum of USD$16 425 being underpaid wages, cash in lieu of leave and overtime pay. More

This is an appeal from the decision of the arbitrator. The facts in this matter are largely common cause. Respondent was injured during his course of duties in 2010. He sought medical attention which took a long time up until 2012. The appellant proceeded to terminate respondent’s employment contract in terms of section 14 (4) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. Respondent took the matter to the Labour Officer and this subsequently led to arbitration. The arbitrator found in favour of the respondent and the appellant has approached this Court on appeal. Appellant’s grounds of appeal are as follows: More

Appellants appealed against a number of arbitration awards issued against them at the instance of Respondent. The matters involved essentially the same question. Hence the parties sought and obtained the consolidation of the appeals into one matter. They then filed a statement of agreed facts dated 27th August, 2014 which was signed by both parties and filed of record. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 16 November 2015, in terms of which it was ruled that the respondent’s members are entitled to bonus payments in terms of their conditions of service. More

At the hearing of this matter I upheld a point in limine and indicated that reasons would follow. These are they: The respondent was employed by the appellant as a security guard. He signed a contract for the period 1 November 2013 to 31 October 2014. He was notified that his contract would not be renewed. The respondent claimed under payment of salary from February 2013 to October 2014. The arbitrator held that there was underpayment of wages and ordered that the appellant pays an acting allowance for the period 5 February to 31 October 2014. The appellant appealed to... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council for the Banking Undertaking Appeals Board (the Appeals body). More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 2 December 2013, in terms of which the appellant was ordered to pay the respondent an amount of US$25 580,00 as damages for loss of employment, back pay and service pay. The respondent was employed by the appellant as credit analyst. He had risen through the ranks from Accounts Clerk, Department Manager, to Credit Analyst. His contract of employment was terminated after disciplinary proceedings in which he was charged with misconduct, the charge being that of absenting himself from work without leave. More