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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was employed by the respondent on a fixed monthly contract from August 2012 to May 2013 when the contract was not renewed. The appellant filed a complaint with a labour officer that he was engaged as a carcass cutter grade 2 for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe and was being underpaid. The second claim was for payment for overtime worked. The parties failed to agree at conciliation stage and the matter was referred for compulsory arbitration. More

This is an appeal against the determination of National Employment Council for the Printing, Packaging & Newspapers Industry Appeals Committee (the NEC Appeals Committee). More

This is an appeal against a magistrate’s decision dismissing the appellant’s court application for unjust enrichmentmade in terms of Order 22 of the Magistrates Court Rules, 1980. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent from 1985 until September 2014 when he was dismissed from employment. He has approached this Court on appeal against the dismissal. More

The appellant was employed as a shift Manager from November 2009. During the course of his duties he was found with a variance of forty eight cans of drinks after a random spot check was conducted. He was charged in terms of Section 4 (a) of Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 and subsequently dismissed in October 2010. After the dismissal the case took a long and winding journey. Accordingto the Respondent the appellant noted an internal appeal on 18 October 2010 and also referred the matter to a Labour Officer on the same day. When conciliation failed the matter was... More

This is an appeal against a determination of the respondent’s chief executive officer. The appellant was employed by the respondent as a risk control assistant from 18 February 2007 to 24 November 2015when he was suspended from duty pending disciplinary proceedings. More

By consent, the disciplinary proceedings held by the respondent on 4 July 2014 be and are hereby set aside. • respondent is to reinstate the applicant with effect from dated of unlawful dismissal without loss of salary and benefits, and may, if it so wishes reinstitute fresh disciplinary proceedings in a procedurally correct manner. • in the event that reinstatement is not an option, the applicant should be paid damages in lieu of reinstatement, the quantum of which should be agreed by the parties or assessed by the court. The respondent is of the view that reinstatement is no longer... More