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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On the 30th April, 2016 the Arbitrator issued an award ordering Applicant to pay Respondent grade 4 salaries. In the event of the parties failing to agree, the parties were to go back to the Arbitrator within 14 days for quantification. Aggrieved by the award, Applicant noted an appeal to this court on the 19th May, 2016. More

This matter was set down for Mutare Circuit as an appeal at the instance of the appellant employer against a decision which was made in favour of the respondent employee by the arbitrator on 26 June 2015. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as a teacher, and was based at Chinyika Secondary School, Goromonzi District, Mashonaland East Province. In October 2012, he was charged with misconduct, in terms of the Public Service Regulations Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000, paragraph 1, 7 and 24 of the First Schedule (the Regulations). The factual particulars of the misconduct were that the appellant improperly associated with minors, who were pupils at the school where he was stationed. He made inappropriate remarks to Natasha Ngarura, a form 2 pupil, to the effect that she was beautiful and had sexy breasts. He... More

This is an application for review of the disciplinary proceedings conducted by the respondent’s Disciplinary Authority on 3 February 2015, which resulted in the applicant being found guilty of misconduct and being discharged from employment as a consequence thereof. The background to the matter reveals protracted disciplinary litigation dating back to 2012. The applicant was employed by the respondent as a teacher, and was stationed at Chinyika Secondary School, in the Goromonzi District, Mashonaland East Province. In October 2012, he was charged with misconduct, in terms of the Public Service Regulations, Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000, paragraphs 1, 7 and... More

Applicant was employed by Respondent as a teacher. On 23 March 2016 she was arraigned before a disciplinary authority on allegations of misconduct she was found guilty and was dismissed from employment. More

The applicant applied for condonation of late noting of an appeal. The respondent opposed the application. The material facts are as follows: 1. The applicant worked for the respondent as a truck driver. 2. He was charged with misconduct. 3. A hearing was held. He was found guilty. 4. By letter dated 12 May 2014 the respondent dismissed him from employment. 5. On 30th June 2014 the applicant applied to this court for condonation of late noting of appeal under reference LC/H.APP/300/14. 6. Justice Chidziva dismissed the application on 9 January 2015. 7. The judgment was made on the basis... More

The facts of the matter are that the respondent went on leave for the whole month of June. His evidence was that he was told by the employer to go on leave and the employer would call him back when they wanted him otherwise he would check with the employer when he came to collect his June salary. He was however charged with absenteeism and was found guilty and dismissed. More