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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appellant was employed by the respondent as an investigation officer level 8 which is a managerial position. The appellant was on a fixed term contract which expired in July 2014. A new four year contract was entered into commencing August 2014 and expiring July 2018. In November 2014 the respondent became aware that the appellant had been involved in acts of misconduct in December 2013 during the currency of an expired contract. Investigations were carried out and the appellant was arraigned before a disciplinary and grievances committee facing a charge of having acted in a manner inconsistent with the... More

Respondent was employed by the appellant as a property manager. Following allegations of misconduct, respondent was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which found him guilty and recommended his dismissal. The matter ended up in arbitration and the arbitrator found in favour of the respondent thus reversing the decision of the Disciplinary Committee. Appellant is aggrieved by this decision and has appealed to this court. More

The applicant seeks leave to appeal against my judgement of the 22ndJanuary, 2016. The application is opposed by the respondent on the basis that the applicant having failed to filed its Heads of Argument within 14 days of receipt of the respondent’s Notice of Response the applicant is technically barred and therefore has no right of audience before the court. More

On 8 October 2007, this court granted the applicant a provisional order in terms whereof the applicant was granted the right to retain possession of a Mazda B1800 registration No AAG 9397. Part of the order gave the applicant the obligation to retain the vehicle in a safe place and ensure that it was not damaged or destroyed. More

Appellant was employed by Respondent as a Veterinary Extension Worker in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 15 May 2015, in terms of which it was ruled that the appellant’s contract of employment was lawfully terminated, as she had reached the retirement age of sixty years. More

The brief history of this matter is that the appellant a Pension’s Assistant of the Public Service Commission appeared before disciplinary authority in February and March 2015. He was charged with misconduct in terms of section 43 (a)(b) of SI 162 of 2007 as read with paragraphs 8 and 13 (d) of the 3rd Schedule (section 14) of the same regulations on allegations that: “Paragraph 8 Making improper or unauthorised used of Commission property”. More