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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. On 29 May 2015 this court upheld a point in limine that the grounds of appeal in case number LC/H/1056/14 are attacking factual findings without alleging that the findings are grossly irregular amounting to a misdirection in law. Consequently I dismissed the appeal with costs. On 27 July 2015 the present application was filed. The applicant alleges that the judgment of 29 may 2015 was not brought to her attention on time as it was only delivered to her on... More

Following the dismissal of its postponement application the appellant was granted leave by the court to address it on the bar operating against it vis filing of heads of argument. After oral submissions on that aspect the court advised the parties that they will hear of the court decision from the clerk of court. More

The appellant employed the respondent as a general hand for 43 years until he retired in 2013. While he was employed, both the employer and the employee contributed towards a pension fund in behalf of the respondent with Old Mutual. Following his retirement, he was duly paid his pension benefits by Old Mutual in terms of the fund that he had contributed to. More

The appellant employed the respondent as an accounting assistant in 2008. Appellant outlined the facts of the matter as follows; Due to continuous ill health the respondent went on sick leave in May, 2013 up to October 2013 for a period of 180 days. In November 2013 after the 180 sick leave period, the respondent reported for work but it was apparently very clear to all concerned that the respondent was still very ill and unfit for duty. It was agreed that the respondent should go on unpaid leave while recovering. More

This is an application for quantification of damages in lieu of reinstatement arising from the disposal order that was issued by this court on 8 March 2010. More

This is an appeal against a determination by the Minister for Labour and Social Services of 19 December 2013, in which he approved a proposed retrenchment package for the appellant More

In a judgment handed down on 12 May 2015 Justice Smith (Retired), found the appellant guilty of various acts of misconduct, in terms of the Labour (National Employment Code of Conduct) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006. The retired judge was the Hearing Officer in a disciplinary hearing convened by the respondent, to determine various allegations of misconduct levelled against the appellant, during his tenure as General Manager Finance, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. Consequent to his conviction on the charges of misconduct, the respondent’s Board of Directors terminated the appellant’s contract of employment. More