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Court Judgements

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The accused is facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Cap 9:23]. More

The accused faced a charge of murder. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder as defined in section 47 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23](“the Criminal Law Code”) in which it is alleged that on 8 August 2014 at Farm 414 Zviyambe East, Wedza, the accused, with intent to kill, forced Ashley Ruvarashe Chikandiwa, his biological daughter, to drink some poisonous substance thereby causing her to die. More

This matter was referred for review by the court a quo with the following comments: “This matter came before me for trial denovo on the 4th of July 2016. The matter was being dealt with by my brother magistrate Mr E Makomo, who recused himself at the close of the state case because of reasons contained of record. The legal practitioners of the accused argued that I could not deal with the trial without the proceedings of my brother magistrate being set aside by the High Court. More

The accused faces a charge of murder as defined in s 47 (1) ( a) or (b) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9: 23], it being alleged that on the 4th of May 2013 at Odzi Service Station and in the company of one Lucky Ncube, who is still at large, and with intent to kill or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility by stabbing Bernard Nyika with a knife on the right side of... More

On 10 December 2016 at around 5 pm in Kazangarare area in Karoi near Kazangarare Primary School two women were walking, coming from Kazangarare Grain Marketing Board. More

The accused (61) was convicted of having sexual intercourse with a young person aged 14 years as defined in s 70 of the Criminal Law Code. He was convicted on his own plea. The conviction is proper and l hereby confirm it More