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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a case in which the accused was facing a charge of murder as defined in terms of s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

The two accused persons were indicted on a charge of murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law Codification & Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. It was alleged against them that on 29 September 2013 both accused or one of them unlawfully caused the death of Timothy Mbova by strangling him, thereby inflicting upon him certain injuries from which he died. Both accused pleaded not guilty to the charge. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder it being alleged that on 16 December 2016 at Pfumai Village, Mutasa, the accused with actual intent or realising the real risk or possibility of death occurring stabbed Robert Masasa (“the deceased”) once on the left side of the chest thereby inflecting injuries from which the said Robert Masasa died. More

The accused was charged with murder, it being alleged that on the 4th day of December 2014 at around 23:00 hours at Kimcote 2, Beatrice he unlawfully and intentionally killed Lovemore Mutaramutswa by striking him all over his body using sticks thereby inflicting injuries from which the said Lovemore Mataramutswa died. He pleaded not guilty to murder but pleaded guilty to culpable homicide. More

The appellant in this case was arraigned before the court sitting at Bindura charged with the offence of contravening section 89 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act,1 the offence being one of assault. More

The accused is facing a charge of murder. The allegations against him are that on 3 September 2005 at Mugabe Village, Chief Musana, Bindura, the accused person unlawfully and with intent to kill, assaulted the now deceased Martin Makenzi on the head with a hoe handle thereby causing injuries from which the deceased died. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and tendered a defence outline which he adopted as part of his evidence. More

The accused was convicted of contravening s 368 (1) of the Mines and Minerals Act, [Chapter 21:05] on 12 October, 2016 by the Senior Magistrate at Bindura Magistrate’s Court. He was sentenced to a mandatory prison term of 2 years. On review, I could not make out the handwriting of the magistrate. More