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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant approached this court seeking the following order: “1. It is be and is hereby declared that, barring, ejectment and or interference of the Applicant’s attendance in the pre-budget consultative meetings and National Assembly on account of Applicant’s wearing of a colourful Rastafari jacket constitutes a violation of his right to freedom of conscience and religion as set out under Section 60 of the Constitution. 2. it is be and is hereby declared that Section 76(1)(a) as read with section 76(5) of the National Assembly Standing Rules and Orders permits the Applicant to wear his Rastafari colourful jacket in... More

The applicants’ legal practitioners wrote a follow up letter dated 5 December 2016 enquiring on the judgment in this application which was argued before me on 8 November 2016. More

The plaintiff claims against all the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved, payment of a total sum of US$72 181.15, together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate calculated from the date of issue of the summons to the date of payment in full, and costs of suit on the attorney-client-scale. More

The facts of this matter being common cause the counsels agreed to proceed by way of a stated case. The statement of agreed facts outlines the facts as follows. By written agreement dated the 15th of February 2012, the plaintiff extended a credit facility in the sum of US$50 000.00 to Moonrock Services (Pvt) Ltd. The late Tobias Utsiwegota stood as surety and co-principal debtor for the due fulfilment of all the obligations of Moonrock Services (Pvt) Ltd in relation to its indebtedness to the plaintiff, including payment of legal practitioners’ collection commission and costs of suit on the legal... More

I dealt with this matter as an unopposed application after the respondent which had initially filed a notice of opposition and opposing affidavit did not file heads of argument and did not appear at the hearing despite having been served with the notice of set down. More

It is with a sigh of relief that this matter is finally disposed off. What started off as a simple matrimonial matter dragged on indefinitely as the parties started off parallels apart and the delay was further compounded by factors beyond human control when MrMbidzo fell ill and was hospitalised. More

This is an application for registration of an arbitral award. The applicant who was the legal owner of a commercial stand namely stand 11745 Harare Township entered into a joint venture agreement with the respondent for the construction of a commercial building which would be put up for rentals for ten years, with the parties equally sharing the rental proceeds. More