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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application in terms of which the applicant sued the respondent for relief in terms of the draft order which draft order is couched in the following terms- “It is ordered that 1. It be and is hereby declared that the purported cancellation and termination of the joint venture agreement is null and void, and that any such cancellation will be valid if done in terms of the following: 1.1 if any party wishing to resile from the joint venture gives the other party 24 months notice, in writing; 1.2 if any and all sums of money owed... More

The applicant is a trust. It was registered on 20 August, 2015. It has, as its main objective, the enhancement of the lives and welfare of vendors and informal traders who operate in Zimbabwe. More

This was an urgent chamber application for a stay of execution pending the determination of an application for rescission of judgment. The first respondent took a point in limine that the matter was not urgent. I reserved judgment on that and directed argument on the merits. Towards the end of submissions it seemed the matter could be amicably resolved by treading the middle path. By consent I could order a stay provided the applicant paid security in terms of Order 32 r 246[3]. More

This was an urgent chamber application for a stay of execution pending the determination of an application for rescission of judgment. The first respondent took a point in limine that the matter was not urgent. I reserved judgment on that and directed argument on the merits. Towards the end of submissions it seemed the matter could be amicably resolved by treading the middle path. By consent I could order a stay provided the applicant paid security in terms of Order 32 r 246[3]. It reads: More

Plaintiff issued out summons against the defendant claiming $110 250 being the total price of seed maize from 63 hectares of the crop covered by an insurance policy issued by the defendant. More

This is an application brought on a certificate of urgency seeking the stay of the execution (auction of property) of an order granted by this court under case number HC 6557/15 pending the determination of an application for condonation for late filing of an application for rescission of default judgment and an application for rescission of default judgment filed simultaneously in this Honourable Court. More

On 22 September, 2016, we dismissed the above appeal, with each party to bear its own costs. On 16 May, 2017, the appellant wrote a letter to the Registrar asking for the reasons for judgment. This is what prompted us to write this judgment. More