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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for summary judgment issued by the applicant against the respondent on the basis that the latter has no bonafide defense against the applicant’s claim. More

The first and second applicants in this application are first and third respondents in case No. HC4168/14 wherein Roselyn Murambiwa as executrix dative (Estate Late Phillip Murambiwa) is the applicant. Case NO. HC 4168 is the main case brought as a court application. In case No. HC 4168/14, the applicant sought the reversal of transfer of an immovable property in Karoi which she wants to be included in the estate of her late husband. The property was alledgedly purchased by the respondents who took transfer. More

In 1996 the plaintiff and the defendant entered into an unregistered customary law marriage.Their union was blessed with one child born on 29 January 2009. More

This is an appeal in terms of s 68J of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01] against the Master’s finding that the first respondent was a customary law wife to the late Josphat Whacha. More

This is an application for absolution from the instance brought in terms of Order 11 Rule 79 (2) of the High Court Rules 1971 on the premise that the plaintiff has failed to prove a prima facie case More

Section 14 of the Money Lending and Interest Rates Act, accords protection to borrowers of money in instances where the interest rate agreed to by a lender and borrower exceeds the prescribed rate of interest. It prescribes criminal sanctions for lenders who fail to comply with its provisions More

The applicant approached this court seeking confirmation of cancellation of an agreement of sale entered into between the parties and consequential relief following there from. More