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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Rule 348 A of the High Court rues deals with stopping the sale of a dwelling house to facilitate the settlement of a claim. Applicant brought an application under r 348 A (5a) for the postponement or suspension of the sale of the dwelling concerned; or the eviction of its occupants. More

The appellant was convicted of contravening s 157 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to pay a fine of US$400 in default of payment to undergo four months’ imprisonment. The court further ordered that the appellant be held by prison authorities and be handed over to the Immigration Department for immediate deportation soon after payment of the fine or serving the term of imprisonment. More

On the 29th November 2017 I granted the applicants’ application and my reasons thereof were as follows: This is a ruling in an application for review in terms of section 27 (1) (c ) of the High Court Act, [Chapter7:06] More

This is a chamber application for dismissal of an application for stay of execution for want of prosecution in terms of s 236 (3) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

The plaintiff issued summons claiming: “(a)Judgment in the sum of $479 215.27(four hundred and seventy nine thousand, two hundred and fifteen United States dollars and twenty seven cents) as against the 2nd and 3rd defendants, jointly and severally each paying the other, being amounts paid by the plaintiff for onward transmission to the 1st defendant which amount, the defendants unlawfully converted to their own use; More

Tavengwa Madangure [“Madangure”] and Emmanuel Enock Masuku [“Musuku”] floated and formed Procadale Investments (Pvt) Ltd [“the company”]. It was incorporated on 7 April, 2004. More

This matter came as a court application for an interdict and declaratory order. The initial court found that there was a material dispute of facts and the matter was referred to trial so that viva voce evidence can be led. More