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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The Constitution of Zimbabwe is the supreme law of the land. It is trite that this document is binding on all Zimbabwean citizens, and that, any conduct or action which is inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency. See s 2 Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment number 20 Act of 2013.1 More

On 16 December 2015, the plaintiff issued summons against Forester (with one v ) Estates Private Limited claiming payment of the sum of US71 548-00 in respect of water sold, supplied and delivered to the defendant by it in terms of an agreement entered into between the parties. More

This is an application for the rescission of an order of this court granted on 10 April 2017 in HC 5623/09. More

Acting on reasonable suspicion that the second and third respondents’ three drivers were entering Zimbabwe with loaded fuel, the applicant placed the respondents’ three trucks and their contents under notices of seizure. More

The plaintiff is described in the summons and declaration as a company incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The defendant did not take issue with the description of the plaintiff as a company. A reading of the subsequent filed pleadings clearly show that the plaintiff is a union. As such the plaintiff must be an unincorporated association since the citation does not include the references, “private limited” or “limited” as required in law where a company is involved. The correct reference is important as it informs the court of the plaintiff’s locus standi and legal standing to bring... More

This is an application for an order dismissing the application in Case No. HC 11735/15 for want of prosecution. More

The plaintiff, Zimbabwe United Passenger Company, better known as ZUPCO issued summons in 2006 for the eviction of the defendants or any persons occupying the premises through them, to vacate premises known as No. 9 Hood Rd, Southerton, Harare. ZUPCO also sued for costs jointly and severally on a higher scale. More