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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 31 May 2017 we dismissed the appellant’s appeal with costs. We promised to provide our reasons within fourteen days. Regrettably, the period proved too ambitious. We had not reckoned with a workload build-up in the days that followed. More

The appellant was convicted of fraud and was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment of which 2 years were suspended for 5 years on condition of future good behaviour. The remaining 1 year was suspended on condition of paying restitution in the amount of $45 000 by 30 November 2016. Appeal was noted against conviction only. More

It all started as a very simple contractual agreement entered into by the two applicants and the 1st respondent which was duly represented by its chosen agent, National Real Estate (Pvt) Ltd. More

The appellants were convicted of theft of trust property in terms of s 113 (2) (d) of the Criminal (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

On 15 December, 2014 the respondents, who were the applicants in the court a quo, filed an application to register an arbitral award in terms of s 98 (14) of the Labour Act, [Chapter 28:01]. More

This claim is steeped in delict. The allegations against the two defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved, are that the second defendant (a farm guard), acting within the course and scope of his employment with the first defendant, “wrongfully and unlawfully pointed and discharged a firearm at the plaintiff” at Debshan Ranch, Gweru, on 26 April 2008. As a consequence of the second defendant’s wrongful and unlawful conduct, the plaintiff sustained injuries, pain, shock and suffering, the nature and effect of which is detailed in the medical report that was attached to the summons... More

This application has more questions than it has answers to them. At its centre are two farms [“the farms”]. These are Doondo and Sholliver. Doondo is registered under deed of transfer number 1176/95. It is 1301, 9074 hectares in extent. Sholliver is registered under deed of transfer number 3802/93. It is 1294, 8868 hectares in extent. Both farms are situated in the District of Lomagundi which is in Mashonaland West Province. More